Fort Curtis was a small Civil War earth and wood fort at Helena built by the Union. It played a major part in the Battle of Helena in July 4, 1863.
If you read my novel, Chase The Wild Pigeons, you will recognize the name. It was also very important in my story, as I tried to keep the history of the battle as true as possible.
A new replica of the fort is being built in Helena only few block from where the original once stood. It is my understanding there will be replica cannon and the whole nine yards. It will be dedicated Friday, May 11, 2012.
There are big things going on in Helena now, and I am glad to see the Civil War history getting recognized in a big way. If you are near Helena, check out the fort. It takes up a whole block at the corner of York and Biscoe.
The Fort is finished. It is well worth checking out. It has a cannon, too!